About Pe’ Publishing
Pe’ is a publishing house from Israel, established in 2017 in order to publish, in Hebrew, stories from oral tradition of cultures from around the world.
The idea behind this publishing house was generated during a year in which I traveled with my family in North America (what we call “our family expedition”). Dwelling in nature for long durations, my family and I experienced the nonverbal power of the forests, the streams and the lakes, the mountain ridges, the ice caped volcanoes, the ocean and the plains. We were curious to hear what the people who roamed these expanses for thousands of years had to say about their land, and about themselves. As such, the first stories Pe’ is publishing come from the oral traditions of native cultures of North America.
Pe’ Publishing locates and gathers stories from primary sources, either from members of the cultures who tell their own stories, or from anthropologists and researchers who have documented these stories in the past.
We aspire to amplify the voices of the people who told these stories and believed in them, and to make room for such stories amidst the hectic bustle of our times. We translate the stories with loyalty to their original sources, and refrain from making any alteration or adaptation. We strive to remain faithful to the story, the storyteller and the culture from which they come.
In order to create space for these ancient cultures amidst our modern life, Pe’ Publishing collects and publishes, on this website, information about each culture from which we publish stories: both factual information and links to movies, music, pictures, art and stories — so that the curious can roam this corner of the Internet and learn more about the people, the cultures and the places in which these stories existed and were told.
Earnings will be shared with native communities to which the stories belong.
Amir Sharfman
Pe’ Publishing | Founder
22 Hamisdeem st.,12068, Pardes Hanna-Karkur, Israel, Zip Code 3706456